
Make learning inclusive and accessible to all students Print or save as PDF

The Learning Bar is delighted to team up with the Rick Hansen Foundation to help you and other educators assess the level of inclusivity and accessibility within your school environment. Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive. This means giving ALL students equitable access to the buildings, resources and tools they need to learn.

In January 2018, new OurSCHOOL measures will be available to enable all students to inform you of their awareness and acceptance of students with disabilities—and their willingness to take action for change at your school. This additional content will help you:

  • identify if interventions are needed to achieve inclusivity or accessibility goals,
  • find out if all students have equal access to the buildings, resources and supports they need to learn, and
  • monitor success of progress or programs aimed at increasing awareness, accessibility and inclusion.

Your results will be available within your OurSCHOOL reports, allowing you to analyse your data and act immediately. A thematic report will follow in September 2018.

Giving all students the same opportunities to learn, grow and participate is the cornerstone to education and student well-being. To find out more, contact your Account Success Manager or refer to the information sheet below.

PDF_24x24.png RHF Inclusive Schools Information Sheet.pdf (1.34 MB)

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