
How to Scrapbook Print or save as PDF

Store and organize charts into groups, edit titles, add personal notes, and export your charts in a variety of useful presentation formats.

This guide covers the following topics:

1. Create a New Scrapbook
2. Access an Existing Scrapbook
3. View and Organize Your Charts
4. Personalize Your Charts
5. Export Your Charts


1. Create a New Scrapbook
Scrapbooks are created through the Interactive Charts reporting tool (Click here to view a guide to using Interactive Charts and here for the Roll-Up Interactive Charts).

Once you have located a chart you wish to save to your Scrapbook, click on the camera icon located in the top right hand corner of the chart.

The chart is now saved to your Scrapbook. The camera icon changes to a check mark icon.

Did you know? You can add multiple views of the same chart to your Scrapbook. For example, you can add three separate charts for “Student participation in school clubs” with different drill-down variables and comparisons. See the Drilldown Variables section of the How to Use Interactive Charts.

A counter below the main Interactive Charts dashboard keeps track of how many charts are in your Scrapbook:  



2. Access an Existing Scrapbook
To access an existing Scrapbook, click on View Scrapbooks from the orange View Reports menu. Your scrapbook(s) will be listed by survey type and school year. Click the radio button next to the scrapbook you would like to access, then click submit.


Did you know? You can also access your scrapbook from your Interactive Charts. Click on the View Scrapbook button next to the scrapbook counter, located directly under the upper dashboard of your Interactive Charts.



3. View and Organize Your Charts
The scrapbook page displays all charts added to your scrapbook. You can drag and drop the charts on this page to adjust their order.


Did you know?  While on the scrapbook page, you can easily switch to another scrapbook. Click Change Scrapbook and select from the dropdown menu to view your other scrapbooks. Note that each survey will have its own scrapbook (i.e. Elementary or Secondary, Year 1 or Year 2, etc.).


Adding Charts to an Existing Scrapbook: To add more charts to your scrapbook, click the Add More Charts button. This will bring you back to the Interactive Charts. _AddMoreCharts.PNG

Deleting Charts:
Click the checkbox below the chart you want to delete and click the Delete Chart From Scrapbook button. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. _Delete.PNG

Grouping Charts:
One of the most useful options for organizing your charts is to group them by attaching a 
tag to each chart. You can then view, edit or export the charts that belong to a particular tagged group.



You currently have multiple charts in your Scrapbook, but you would like to isolate certain graphs to create a custom report. In the example below we select the Participate Clubs, Participate Sports, and Volunteer charts.


A. Click the checkbox below each chart and click Add to Group.



B. Enter a name for this group of charts and click Submit.



C. Your group is now available to choose from the Group dropdown menu.


Did you know?  You can create as many groups as you need and you can even tag the same chart in multiple groups.


Remove Charts from a Group: Select the chart you would like to remove, click the Remove From Group button, select the group from which to remove it and hit submit.


Delete a Group:
Select the group from the dropdown menu, select all charts in the group, and click Remove From Group. This will delete the group entirely.

Did you know?  Removing a chart from a group or deleting a group does not remove charts from your Scrapbook.


4. Personalize Your Charts
By double-clicking on any of the charts in your scrapbook, you can review the details of the chart and add your own notes.



Tab 1 – Chart: An expanded view of the chart.

Tab 2 – Measure Description: A detailed description of the measure and its composition. You can choose to include these descriptions when you download your scrapbook (see 5. Export Your Charts, below).

Tab 3 – Edit Name/Notes: Here you can edit the name of the chart and add notes of your own, which can be included when you download your scrapbook.

Did you know?   If you have several charts that show the same measure with different comparisons or drill-downs applied, changing the name of a chart is a great way to clearly identify each one.


5. Export Your Charts
After organizing and personalizing your charts, you can export the charts in Adobe (PDF), Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT), or ZIP (compressed folder of PNG images) format.


Suggested Use


Quickly share results with stakeholders


Customisable presentation

ZIP (images)

Upload to website or social media


You can choose to include any notes you added to your charts, and/or the measure description, as noted above in 4. Personalize Your Charts.


Next, choose to download all charts currently displayed or only those you select. Title your scrapbook, add a filename, and click submit.