Open-Ended Questions
- What are the most important aspects of our school culture that need to be addressed to create a better learning environment at our school for your child(ren)?
- How would you prefer your child's teachers communicate with you?
- Please tell us what interests or skills you have that you would be happy to share with students, staff, or other parents at our school.
- What types of events, functions or activities could the Parent/School Council organize to encourage parents to become more involved in our school?
- How can the school help students become better prepared for life after graduation?
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How often do you volunteer your time at your child(ren)’s school?
- Every Week
- 1-2 times per month
- 1-2 times per school year
- I do not volunteer
2. Of the following times of day, which would best allow you to attend school events?
- During school hours
- Evenings
- Before school
- After school
- None of the above
3. Overall, how would you rate communication between the school and yourself, as a parent/guardian?
- Excellent
- Very Good
- Satisfactory
- Poor
- Unknown/I do not require communication with the school
4. Parent/School Council activities help improve our school climate.
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neither Agree or Disagree
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
5. If our school had an after-school program (e.g. tutoring, extracurricular), how often would you use it for your child(ren)?
- Never or Hardly Ever
- Once a week
- 2 to 3 Times a Week
- Every Day or Almost Every Day
Multiple Answer Questions
1. Select any of the following times that would be convenient for scheduling parent-teacher conferences:
- 7:30-8:30am (before school)
- 11:45- 12:30 (during lunch)
- 3:00-5:00pm (late afternoon - after school)
- 6:00-9:00pm (after school - evening)
2. Select any of the following options that are convenient means of contacting you:
- Telephone
- Text message
- Social media (ex. via Facebook or Twitter)
- Letter sent home with your child(ren)
- Web-based options (e.g. Skype, Google Hangouts) None of the options above are convenient for me
3. Select any of the following events you have attended during this school year (note select all that apply):
- Spirit Week activities
- Open House Week activities
- Take Your Family to School Week activities
- School sports team games and/or practices
- Academic competitions (ex. student spelling bee, academic quadrathlon, science fair, etc.)
- Parent/Guest speaker conferences
- Fundraising event (ex. bake sale, pasta night, silent auction, etc.)
- Another school event not listed
- None of the above
4. Which of the following school fundraising activities would you like to see happen in the upcoming school year (select all that apply)?
- Plant sale
- Car wash
- Dance-a-Thon
- Family photo day
- Another event not listed (if so, please connect with your child’s teacher to share your idea)