
Six new features recommended by you (coming 2018-19) Print or save as PDF

“I didn’t know OurSCHOOL could help me with that.”

We heard this sentence when we helped a principal in New Brunswick communicate survey results to her stakeholders. And when we helped a superintendent in Ontario analyse data with his team. And when we helped consultants in Saskatchewan identify early signs of student disengagement.

We're happy to hear this sentence.

Each “I didn’t know OurSCHOOL could help me with...” means we’ve spent time together so you can move confidently into data & decision processes with your colleagues, educators, community associations, families, and students.

Well, how can OurSCHOOL help you effectively use student voice in the upcoming school year?

You can see it right now: new trend reports, updated norms, physical inclusivity content, and three other topics appear in this 2018-19 sneak peek video.

What else can we help you with? Ask away: We’re here all summer.




PowerPoint24.png OurSCHOOL What's New Preview 2018-19.pptx (1.74 MB)

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