
August 2019 Print or save as PDF

Preparing for the Upcoming School Year!


What is your Professional Learning plan for 2019-2020?

The OurSCHOOL survey suite is a powerful tool you can use to collect perception data for school improvement planning. As you prepare for your upcoming professional development days, here are a few resources you can use with your teams to create excitement for the 2019-2020 survey year!

What Educators are saying about our sessions:

"The Engagement Team has supported school leaders in meeting the parallel goals of facilitating skill in using the data captured by the survey and in creating the imagination for school leaders to narrow the focus and effectively respond to challenges highlighted in the data. As an aside, for the first time, the divisional PD committee used the OurSCHOOL survey to inform divisional planning."

- Jonathan Toews, Assistant Superintendent, Border Land School Division, MB

Do you have an OurSCHOOL success story that you’d like to share?
Let us know at

Head_Lightbulb.png Inspirational Ideas

We are often asked for ideas of what other OurSCHOOL members are doing with their data. Visit the Knowledge Base for a few “inspirational ideas” that address student mental health from fellow educators we have worked with.


Try This!

Triangulating perception data from multiple sources gives you information to strengthen school programs and processes. Together the OurSCHOOL suite of surveys help you get the most comprehensive picture of your school. Try using the OurSCHOOL Parent, and Teacher surveys in conjunction with the Student Survey!

Contact us for information about our new session on triangulating data from the OurSCHOOL suite of surveys!

Did you know that we are on social media? Feel free to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or 
LinkedIn, where we are sharing stories and strategies from educators like you!

Giving all children the opportunity to thrive

Share your stories, comments and feedback with us anytime. We love hearing from you!




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