
The Learning Bar Network, Data Storage and Security Print or save as PDF

The Learning Bar’s application service infrastructure is based in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. AWS data centers are subject to numerous international and jurisdiction‐specific security standards, audits and certifications. A list of these compliance programs can be found on the AWS web site under:

Application data are stored in AWS cloud datacenters located in Montreal, Canada. All hardware, data storage and backups reside within Canada. The application database is housed in AWS Aurora which maintains two live copies of application data housed in different Canadian time zones. This redundancy allows a real‐time restore point for all data.

Network infrastructure is protected from malicious traffic by AWS firewalls. The Learning Bar uses AWS’s CloudFront service as an additional layer of content delivery optimization, web acceleration, and security against DDoS attacks. Survey data is transmitted to our system via the secure and encrypted HTTPS protocol. Historically, our network uptime meets or exceeds industry‐standard SLAs of >99.9% availability.

Our layered security approach uses both hardware and software security points to protect against unauthorized access. Varying levels of access to the administrative and reporting side of the application are granted to assignable, authenticated roles. Remote access to the database is restricted via firewall to The Learning Bar’s technical staff of software developers and systems administrators working from the IP address of The Learning Bar’s headquarters or through individual VPN accounts.