Feel Safe at School Results
Why are the results for the Feel Safe at School measure on my Bullying and School Safety Thematic Report different from the results on my Interactive Charts and One-Click Reports?
The results for the "Feel Safe Attending this School" measure on the One-Click Report and Interactive Charts reflect the percentage of students who meet the criteria to "feel safe" on a measure of school safety items including 3 items focused on feeling safe perceptions (at school, going to school, on the way home). The results of these items are calculated to produce a comparison of those students who are categorized as feeling safe versus those students who are categorized as not feeling safe.
Interactive Chart Results
One-Click Report Result
How do I interpret the Feel Safe at School results reported in the Bullying and School Safety
Thematic Report?
The results for the ‘Feeling Safe at School’ breakdown on the Bullying and School Safety Thematic Report reflect the percentage of students who have indicated that they feel safe on each item separately (e.g., the percentage of students who feel safe going to school) and is based on the percentage of students who selected ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ to each item.
Results for the 6 items regarding specific events are also shown (e.g., been in a physical fight, had something stolen). These reflect the percentage of students who report that they have experienced each of these events.
Bullying and School Safety Thematic Report Results
When interpreting your data:
The aggregate result in the Interactive Chart will match the results on the One-Click Report.
If you were to select ‘click to see breakdown of the results by question’ in the Interactive Chart
these results will match the results displayed in the Bullying and School Safety Thematic Report.
Please note that the ‘click to see breakdown of the results by question’ feature is not currently
available in district Roll-Up Interactive (RI) reporting.
Interactive Charts