
December 2021 Print or save as PDF


Whether you are looking to apply actionable strategies for an effective survey implementation, are learning how to use and share data effectively, or wish to monitor the impact of your school improvement initiatives, we have a session to suit your needs.

Create a foundation for an effective survey

The Pre-Survey Strategy session is designed to help strategically implement the OurSCHOOL survey to create a solid foundation for using perception data to advance data-driven decision-making.

Enhance skills to interpret and action OurSCHOOL data

The Data Deep Dive session guides participants through the effective use of perception data to drive school improvement initiatives. It is designed to meet all levels of data literacy.

Find out if your strategies are having an impact

The Assessing Your Impact session enables attendees to effectively monitor progress towards their goals and adjust strategies for future success.

Inquire now for more information on these live, web-based interactive sessions. Embed data-driven decision-making in your district!


Share your News, Stories and Strategies

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, where we are sharing stories and strategies from educators like you! 

Share your stories, comments and feedback with us any time. 

Giving all children the opportunity to thrive

Check out past editions of the OurSCHOOL  newsletter on the  Knowledge Base!



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