This orientation guide serves as a general reference to assist you with planning your survey and navigating the resources available.
These resources provide an overview of the platform and guide you through the process of using it to compose and customize the survey. After the results are compiled, they will help inform you on the generation and interpretation of meaningful reports.
Your Role as District Coordinator
The District Coordinator is the project lead at the district level and the primary conduit for communications between schools and The Learning Bar’s staff. This role is particularly critical at the beginning of the survey implementation. Once the survey is complete, District Coordinators support schools in the interpretation and use of survey findings. In your role as District Coordinator you will:
- Encourage and support the efforts of schools using OurSCHOOL survey instruments;
- Build schools’ capacity to use data for school improvement;
- Communicate survey purpose and results with all stakeholders;
- Commit to using the data for school improvement at the district level.
The sections below follow the main stages of a survey implementation process, and the principal resources at each stage are indicated. Explore each section of the Knowledge Base for more articles on specific topics.
Stage 1: Preparation and Account Information
Before launching the OurSCHOOL survey, the About OurSCHOOL Measures and What's Available: Report Output sections contain some important information that will help you plan your survey. See Account Information if you need help to update your account or reset your password.
Stage 2: Training & Webinars
The Learning Bar has set regularly scheduled, recurring webinars that are available to all OurSCHOOL members. Schools can use the following link to register for the webinar most convenient for them: Webinar Registration.
We are continually developing our webinar content to provide you with the support you need. Check out our latest webinar Creating Actionable Custom Questions. We would love to hear your ideas for other webinar topics!
Stage 3: Participating Schools & Coordinators
Before surveying, ensure that each participating school is activated and its corresponding School Coordinator or Principal has access to the OurSCHOOL system. See the Setting up Your District section of Pre-Survey Resources for instructions.
Stage 4: Survey Composing
Survey composing is the process in which District Coordinators select the questions and content that will appear on the survey for all schools in their district. Districts need to compose a survey before it is available for schools to set up and administer to their students. See the How to Compose the Student Survey article for step-by-step instructions.
Did you know? That by adding your own unique custom questions, you will be able to disaggregate your data using drill-downs tailored for your district. You will find resources to support your custom question development under the Creating Custom Questions section. You can also reach out to our Research Team for custom question support.
Stage 5: Communication
As District Coordinator, you are responsible for informing all parties about the initiative. This involves communicating the goals of the initiative and its importance, describing how OurSCHOOL is expected to benefit various stakeholders.
See the Communication and Student Preparation section for related articles and resources.
Stage 6: Survey Setup
Survey Setup is the process by which School Coordinators complete configuration of a survey and tailor it to their local needs. Direct your School Coordinators to the School Coordinator Orientation article and the Survey Setup section of Pre-Survey Resources for more information.
The Learning Bar has selected a few key resources to support your schools as they implement the survey. Student Survey: Guide for Survey Administrators, Survey Preparation: Terms and Definitions, and a Practical Tips for Generating Survey Excitement with Students.
Stage 7: Monitoring Progress
Once surveying has begun, District Coordinators can monitor progress for all schools using the Monitor Progress page. See How to Monitor Progress and the other articles available in the Survey Window Resources section.
Stage 8: Closing Surveys
Once you are satisfied with the number of participants, use the 'Close Survey' option to notify The Learning Bar that the survey is complete and you would like the reports to be generated. See the Closing a Survey section for more information.
Stage 9: Viewing Reports
Reports are normally released within two working days of survey closure. Refer to the Post-Survey Resources section for detailed articles on the different reporting tools, and for resources on using your data for sharing results and Success Stories using OurSCHOOL data.
Stage 10: Analyzing Data
At The Learning Bar our goal is to provide guidance as you make timely school improvement and planning decisions that are grounded in quantifiable evidence from your whole school community. Our team will provide support and resources at all stages as you move through a continual process of school improvement. Check out the OurSCHOOL Data Worksheets section for resources to guide your analysis.
Did you know? Our Research Team now offers a range of new professional learning and consultation services. These sessions are designed to build your staff’s expertise in the areas of data-driven planning and decision making, and to discuss and share practical strategies for fostering a school climate where all students can succeed. Feel free to connect with us if you have questions regarding your data and would like additional support.
Parent & Teacher Surveys
Once the decision to conduct a Parent or Teacher Survey has been taken, your ASM will enable the survey and schools can begin setup directly. For more information, see the Teacher and Parent Survey sections.
It is our mission:
To show global leadership in enhancing the lives of children and youth by providing reliable student, teacher and parent voice to school improvement efforts, using actionable online-survey information.
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